Wind Power

Many businesses could benefit from harnessing their own wind power, especially if they are located in a rural area where obstructions to the wind turbine are minimal. A full technical survey of your site should provide you with the information required to discover if a wind turbine would be a suitable to generate clean energy.

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With the UK having some of the strongest winds in Europe, wind power is an opportunity to make use of a plentiful resource. Public sector organisations or community projects interested can make sustainable energy a reality through the help of a small-scale wind turbine, as can many different types of businesses.

Advantages of the technology include:

Is wind electricity suitable for my business?

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  • Der Blaue Engel (The Blue Angel) Accreditations and Certifications
  • Energy Star - Accreditations and Certifications
  • EU Ecolabel - Accreditations and Certifications
  • Fairtrade - Accreditations and Certifications
  • FSC Forest Stewardship Council - Accreditations and Certifications
  • NF Environnement - Accreditations and Certifications
  • Nordic Ecolabel - Accreditations and Certifications
  • Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
  • Rainforest Alliance - Certifications and Accreditations
  • TCO Certified - Certifications and Accreditations
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